JSH International is a forward-thinking Bio-Environmental Company located in Mount Laurel New Jersey USA. JSHi is part of the J.S. Hovnanian & Sons group of companies. JSH&S is a highly successful fifty-year-old family land development and building business owned by Peter & Stephen Hovnanian. Kevin Mulvihill is the CEO of JSHi.
JSHi provides varied formulations of a proprietary organic liquid that is changing the way we care for crops, plants and turf, treat our wastewater and waste stream, and improve septic system management. The company’s products are made from natural materials using proprietary blending and processing techniques. The Company’s identity From the Earth…for the Earth® reflects its mission to harness the power of natural materials to increase world food production, promote environmental stewardship, operational efficiency, sustainability, and a healthier workplace while being cost effective and socially responsible in creating business opportunities. The company website is please go to this site to learn more about who we are, what we do and what makes our products so unique.
The international mission of Nature’s Wonder the Horticulture and Agriculture Division of JSHi is to be a leader in the effort to increase world food production and food security in an organic and sustainable way. This is being done with the NW brand APEX-10 an Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) listed product who uses the United States Department of Agriculture guidelines for use with organic farming. It is projected that by 2050 the world will need to double food production globally to keep up with a growing population. The results of APEX-10 speak for themselves. This product is an economic driver in the form of an agricultural phenome that provides a way to a better life for millions of individuals. APEX-10 will lead on the front lines of meeting the challenge to overcome malnourishment. You will find the worse the soil conditions are, the better Apex-10 works.
APEX-10 is backed by university studies and real-world applications to directly impact crops and soil. This 3 in 1 product is a Fertilizer Booster along with being a Bio-Stimulant and Soil Amendment. It enhances & boosts fertilizer and water efficiency, increases plant turgidity, enhances soil retention & makes nutrients more available to the plant. It also dramatically reduces the potential of root loss under stressful conditions. APEX-10 can be mixed with any chemicals. This product is very easy to apply and only needs on average of 1.9L per acre. With the continuing high price of energy and in turn fertilizer and other inputs, Apex-10 as a fertilizer booster has shown significant results in testing with various levels of fertilizer. Test results in Nigeria for example done by USAID showed enormous increase in yields (See International Presentation for details). Also, Technoserve the large NGO also in Nigeria reported a 30% reduction in fertilizer and a 48% increase in ROI. Testing recently completed in Togo by the prestigious Togo Institute of Agronomic Research (ITRA) proved that no matter what level of fertilizer to include no fertilizer, Apex-10 can significantly increase yields. At a 50% fertilizer level and the use of Apex-10, yields were the same as 100% fertilizer. Also, a plot with just Apex-10 showed a 36% increase in yield vs a plot with no fertilizer and no Apex-10. Studies are available on request. These are just a few of the tests and uses. Apex-10 has been tested and used on three continents in a variety of countries with different soil conditions and the results are all the same. Farmers have never seen anything like it.
There is nothing in the world that can match the power of Apex-10. What sets APEX-10 apart from other products; it is a natural and organic extract that has a variety of active and complex organic materials from plant fibers that contain many active organic constituents formed from ten thousand years of decayed plant material. The material is recovered from carefully selected sources using a proprietary extraction process. The result is a formula with greater power than simply the sum of its parts.
Along with our International partner King Global Ventures LLC and the US Commercial Services, over the past 3 years, firm partnerships have been formed with 15 countries who are at various stages of market penetration. Also, we are currently working with another 5 countries to finalize a partnership with a focus on Africa. Apex-10 has been established in West, Central, East and Southern Africa with outstanding results on a variety of crops. This is being led by KGV in the country of Ghana where the Ministry of Food and Agriculture has made Apex-10 the only fertilizer booster used in their prestigious Planting for Food and Jobs Campaign. They have made Apex-10 a part of their subsidy program and have imported thousands of liters of the product showing outstanding results on all crops.
Together with our partner KGV, we welcome a partnership that will increase food production in a sustainable way and improve food security in the country. You can visit the Natures Wonder website directly at To further explore this tremendous opportunity please contact: Kevin Mulvihill- CEO of JSH international at or King Asomaning- CEO of KGV at